hey peeps* .
how ur day ? hmm , i wish i will be the happiest one but , it happen so fast . aku tak tahu la kenapa aku terlalu sayang dia ? kenapa ? hari-hari aku akan cakap perkataan BENCI but apa yang terjadi . lastly aku benci diri aku sendiri . worst ! aku sakit hati sebab aku tak boleh control perasaan aku sekarang . serabut ! serabut ! serabut ! ... please jangan buat macam ni dekat aku lagi ? i begging you :'( .. i'm not strong as u done . i'm not the one who could stay smile always even she had a problem . i have feeling too , feeling towards you ! thats the point ? how long i could stay like this .. just make tears and let it drops for you ? you cannot feel how the sincere my love are ? maybe just be the daft girl that you wish i could be .. remember the word " JANGAN BERUBAH " okay ? aku pegang ayat tu sampai sekarang , tapi what happen ? janji tinggal janji .and i hate when it going like that ! now i really be the daft one girl that you could laugh at me .. haha ! love to hear the evil laugh from you .
sorry for the word . i'm not perfect as yours . hmm . thanks to make my life misery all the time , haha ! aku harap kau bahagia dengan sesapa pun ,
orang yang tengah serabut mcm aku memang suka berbelit-belit , kejap sayang la , kejap itu la , kejap ini la . but the reality is aku masih sayang dia . macam dulu :'(
the one i remember most
don't let me down . :'(
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usha jer pon takpe