okay , new post , new month and also new.... err , no new laa . hehehe :)
masa hari sabtu lepas , jiehaa and family going to aeon rawang . ape yang special ?
nothing special pon , cuma hati jiehaa berkobar-kobar nak pergi tengok wayang cerita spiderman . hihihi , memandangkan cinema baru je sebulan bukak , so , dengan rasa senang hati pergilah , itupun tahu cinema tu bukak dari informer yang ada . hahaha ! thanks dekat bebudak tu . masa sampai terus pergi beli tiket then ofcourse la pilih 3D . yang paling taktahan , lagi setengah jam cerita nak habes , boleh pulak jiehaa kene migrain . fuhh ! memang tak tahan laa .dengan mata berpinar-pinar , nak lelap mata pon tak boleh . time tu rasa macam nak je cerita tu cepat habes . tapi ape ape pun , best la jugak , yang penting , jiehaa jatuh hati dengan hero dia . hahahaha :)
here my hero :D ( andrew garfield ) |
3D lens |
sony MP3 niy just terbeli je . hahahahah ! :D
lps admire hero tu trus tuka DP ye.. hehe along.. mira ad entry baru ! hehe have a peek ya t :))
ReplyDeleteWe have make a changes . Haha ! Muka dia cute sangat . Tu terus melt . Haha . Ive done read ur entry . Haha ! Bdebar2
ReplyDeleteyes.. changes - dats life.. it goes on.. hehe
Deletebetul2.. berdebar pk saat2 keramat itu.. btw , all the besh along ! :)) pray fer me ya
Yaa . Always and ever . We have to make a changes , just for us . Not for other . Okay mira , along doakan . Jgn lupa along jugak tau . Hehe
ReplyDeleteyeah.. untuk along juge mira doakan.. ngEee ! :))
ReplyDeletedah keje n ad gaji besaaaaar t.. jgn lupe blaje mira ! ehhe
Amin . Hoyeah ! Mira pun . Yg penting jgn lost contact . Sng jumpa . Hehe
ReplyDeletehehe trime kaseh !yep2.. jgn lost contact tau long ! hehe btw, cantik la header blog along :D
ReplyDeleteSama sama . Okay . Mira pun . Haha . Ni header da lama la mira , along buat sendiri gune adobe photoshop cs3
ReplyDeleteouh wah.. along the great blogger ! hee :))
ReplyDeletehahaha ! takde lahh . itupun terpaksa format laptop semata-mata nak masukkan photoshop . hahahaha !
ReplyDeleteoww kantoi2 !! hehe shoutbox ? boleh2.. link ni--> http://www.shoutjax.com/ law along na mira wtkan pun bole gak..
Delete*ley edit size.. font.. colour.. box.. etc..
mira buatkan boleh tak . hihi